Convert Voicemail to Text
Written on 9:57 AM by Shiv Prasad
Have you ever wished that your phone had the ability to convert voicemail to text? It is not a wish anymore, thanks to several people who found themselves frequently having that exact same thought. Voicemail to text conversion is the next big advance in not just cell phone technology, but in telephone technology as a whole. Plus normally, all of the really cool applications seem like they are just for cell phones and mobile devices, but you can convert voicemail to text on your home land line and your work phone. In the case of the latter, several of the companies which offer voicemail conversion services also have special packages for whole businesses and companies who would like for everyone in the office to be able to convert their voicemail messages.
Make no mistake, however, you do not have to be a businessman - or businesswoman - to take advantage of the ability to convert voicemail to text. However, it is an efficient feature for people whose jobs cause them to get a lot of phone calls and messages. The ease is amazing, second only to the convenience of being able to convert voicemail to text.